The unusual marshland the Slufter is very dynamic. The students explore the area during a walk through the Slufter. They discover the typical characteristics of the salt-tolerant plants that grow here, perform vegetation studies and measure altitudes. They also examine dune formation and the animals that live in the Slufter.

Book outdoor programs
To arrange an outdoor program, call the booking office or use the contact form. In order to make a reservation we need to know the following information: name, address, telephone number and email address for the school, cell phone number on Texel, number of pupils and guidance, lodging address and way of transportation for the group on Texel. The booking office is available per telephone during office hours via 0031 222-367440 and
An outdoor program costs € 180.- for a maximum group of 30 pupils. Investigate De Slufter lasts 1.5 to 2 hours and can start at 11 am or 2 pm.