Feel like chilling out on the beach? Not during this active program! We’ll be playing games to get to know more about the sea, dunes, storms, ebb and flood. As beachcombers, we’ll go looking for things that have washed up on the beach. What will you find and where has it come from? We’ll also consider the question: what exactly is plastic soup? We will also go fishing, depending on the location we will do this with a trawl or push nets.

Multiple locations
Book your Experience the Beach at Paal 33, at the north side of Texel, then we will bring a trawl. Together with the entire group we will pull the net through the water; exciting to see what is in the net after the ‘pull.’ Would you like to meet at a different beach, then we will go and see what is living in the surf with push nets. A great thing to do yourself!
Book this program
To arrange an outdoor program, call the booking office or sen dan e-mail. In order to make a reservation we need to know the following information: name, address, telephone number and email address for the school, cell phone number on Texel, number of pupils and guidance, lodging address and way of transportation for the group on Texel. The booking office is available per telephone during office hours via 0031 222-367440 and boekingskantoor@ecomare.nl. A program costs € 180,- for a maximum group of 30 pupils. A Beach experience lasts 1.5 to 2 hours and can start at 11 am or 2 pm.