Would you like to support Ecomare as a group or company? Then you could consider sponsoring a specific project or item. Sponsoring in kind can also be very attractive for both parties. Eva van Ginkel, our contact person for corporate sponsors, would be happy to consider the various possibilites with you. She can be contacted via 31 222-317741 or evavanginkel@texelsmuseum.nl.
Ecomare is a certified charity with an ANBI and CBF certification mark.

Adopt a rescued seal
A unique way to sponsor us is to adopt your own rescued seal. You can name the animal and bring it back to the sea after recovery. This exclusive form of adoption costs €2500. See here for more information.
In exchange
All of our corporate sponsors are given a spot on our sponsor wall in the museum. Other benefits, the gift and the purpose on which it is spent are the subject of a conversation when you are orienting yourself for the options to sponsor Ecomare. Almost everything is possible!
Do you have any questions? Please ask them in the form below:
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