Adopt a seal
Every year, about a hundred seals are taken in at Ecomare. In addition, there is a permanent group of seals that cannot fend for themselves in the wild. Will you help us take cate of them? For € 60 per year or € 5 per month you can adopt a seal. With this symbolic adoption you support the entire seal rescue centre. You contribute to the costs of fish, the veterinarian, care, and accommodation.
Ecomare is a certified charity with an ANBI and CBF certification mark.
Annie loves to play games. She’s very active. Her favourite food is mackerel, she leaves the little fish for the...
Daan has a heart murmur. That’s why she’s allowed to stay at Ecomare. She is the youngest of the group...
Even though she is blind, Grey Seal Betty is doing just fine with us. She loves to lie on the...
The fact that Karien loves to learn new things is something we noticed during the health practices. She doesn’t like...